Data Security and Privacy

Our company is ISO 9001:2015 certified, ensuring the highest standards of quality management and continuous improvement in all our services.Our commitment to security is accentuated by our ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification, demonstrating our adherence to international standards in information security management across all operations.

Security Measures

Employees can only enter the work area using biometric verification and an access card, ensuring only authorized personnel have access
The entire workspace is under constant CCTV monitoring to enhance security and record all activities
To prevent data breaches, cellular phones, bags, and personal items are prohibited in the work area.
Security guards are always stationed outside the facilities, providing an additional layer of protection.
Workstations have disabled USB ports to prevent unauthorized use of external drives.
Access to personal email accounts is strictly forbidden within the workplace.
Internet access is limited to work-related sites to ensure focus and security.
Business sites are protected through IP authentication, allowing access only to authorized parties.